Parent Google Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ B Blount
"Terrance has been teaching my son (9) drum for the past couple of months, and we have been so impressed with the range of material he brings to each lesson (everything from Rock to Reggae to New Orleans jazz). As a result, Becket looks forward to every Saturday and thoroughly enjoys his time at JTB. Terrance is amazing!"
"Teaching drums is a beautiful journey because it helps others reach their potential and exceed their expectations.” - Terrance
As a teacher Terrance understands the importance of patience, diligence, compassion, and relatability. He also teaches the importance of proper technique, drumming fundamentals, playing by ear, and the anticipated goals of each student.
Being well versed in a variety of styles including gospel, funk, R&B, classic rock, jazz, and hip hop also expands his value a drum teacher here at Join The Band.
Terrance is a proud Los Angeles native who began playing drums at three years old, gaining early experience playing in church. His music journey would broaden at Cerritos College, studying Commercial Music, then transferring to California Baptist University to study Music for Worship and Ministry, attaining both Bachelor's and Master's degrees.